
ViewContent.Avisittoawebpageyoucareabout(forexample,aproductpageorlandingpage).ViewContenttellsyouifsomeonevisitsawebpage'sURL ...,Inthisexample,wewillactivateaViewContentstandardeventonpageload.WhensomeoneclicksAddtoCartbutton,wewillactivateanAddToCartstandard ...,TheMetaPixelisthemaintoolyoucanusetotrackeventsonawebsite.YoucanthenusedatafromtheMetaPixelwithMarketingAPIto:Buildcustom ...,2022...

Reference - Meta Pixel - Documentation

ViewContent. A visit to a web page you care about (for example, a product page or landing page). ViewContent tells you if someone visits a web page's URL ...


In this example, we will activate a ViewContent standard event on page load. When someone clicks Add to Cart button, we will activate an AddToCart standard ...

Pixel for Marketing API - Meta for Developers

The Meta Pixel is the main tool you can use to track events on a website. You can then use data from the Meta Pixel with Marketing API to: Build custom ...

沒做這1件事前不要投廣告!你都了解facebook 像素事件定義了 ...

2022年1月6日 — 網站沒有門,消費者從四面八方連進網站頁面,所以這樣的行為至少都會觸發到Pageview。 2、 ViewContent 瀏覽內容/看商品. 網站有分為三個層架構,分別是:.

facebook pixel

2016年10月11日 — The default pixel code fires the PageView event, which can be used to create Custom Audiences and custom conversions that match referral URLs.

Specifications for Meta Pixel standard events

Events are actions people take on your website. Learn about the Facebook pixel standard events, what they do and their event code ... fbq('track', 'ViewContent'); ...

【實用工具】埋設FB像素的下一步?請安裝Facebook Pixel ...

網站有埋放像素Facebook Pixel Helper會顯示像素編號. Facebook Pixel Helper 中可以看到 ... 】圖示,代表商店像素有正確埋放,並且 ViewContent 事件有正確觸發及記錄。

Meta 像素標準事件的詳細說明

Facebook. Facebook 像素標準事件的詳細說明| 使用說明. 你想登入或加入Facebook 嗎 ... fbq('track', 'ViewContent');. 注意:像素基底程式碼中包含頁面瀏覽事件。頁面 ...


以下是一個ViewContent 像素事件的範例事件。 如需新增這四個自訂資料事件的相關 ... Learn more about setting up Facebook Pixel and Mobile SDK for travel ads .

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
